We make technology investment risks clear.

CTO Labs combines deep technical expertise and pragmatic investment understanding to help quantify risks when investing in technology. We have participated in over 80 technical due diligence activities for some of the largest private equity organisations in Oceania.

Contact us today - find out how we can help you see your technology risks more clearly.

Investing in Technology is Complex

Technology is eating the world and while there can be a good go to market proposition on investment, the ability to execute, evolve and maintain a technology solution for competitive growth can be a different story. Risks and opportunities are often buried deeply within an organisation. It takes a particular blend of technical expertise and commercial acumen to identify and adress or realise them.

Our Approach

CTO Labs makes complex technology clear, giving you deep insights into an organisation, explaining risks and opportunities in ways that are clear on the potential impact. Technology is more than just the mechanics, it is also how well a technology organisation aligns to the business purpose, how much technical debt has been accrued, and what sort of security posture is there to protect customer data. These all materially impact the value of an organisation.

1. Market Context
Understand the context which the technology operates in.
2. Business > Tech
Analyse how the organisation meets the needs of customers and business objectives.
3. Technical Architecture
Is the overall architecture fit for purpose.
4. Technical Domain > Integration
The level of maturity in meeting customer needs and business objectives.
5. Contextual Indicators
Identify areas that will inhibit or accelerate meeting the organisation goals.
6. Synthesise & Report
Distil key findings and themes into easily actionable findings tied back to your thesis.

Actionable reporting

We take the complex technology landscape of an organisation and distill it into clear concise insights.

CTO Labs Tech Due Diligence Services Sample

What's Next?

New Project

Approaching a new investment, as you form your deal team, is the ideal time to call in specialist technical due diligence advice, to help shore up confidence in your thesis.

Existing Portfolio

We help you identify risk and opportunities for value within your existing portfolio, and help you take stock on what lies beneath.

Why CTO Labs

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